Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Where Does the Good Go?

(for best results, listen to the song as you read so you know what I was listening to when I wrote this...)

Where do you go with your broken heart in tow/What do you do with the left over you/And how do you know when to let go/Where does the good go/Where does the good go
Look me in the eye and tell me you don't find me attractive/Look me in the heart and tell me you won't go/Look me in the eye and promise no love's like our love/Look me in the heart and unbreak broken, it won't happen
It's love that breaks the seal of always thinking you would be/Real happy and healthy, strong and calm/Where does the good go/Where does the good go
Where do you go when you're in love and the world knows/How do you live so happily while I am sad and broken down/What do you say it's up for grabs/Now that you're on your way down/Where does the good go/Where does the good go 

Where DOES the good go at the end of a relationship? I think that's the golden question after a breakup. Besides asking yourself, "What the heck happened?" the following question and the one that keeps you down in the struggle is "What am I supposed to do now?". Of course, the obvious answer is to move on with your life, that you're better than this, that the future holds a greater person for you...blah blah blah. And I don't mean to disrespect anyone that says it, 'cause I say it too, but in all truth, it's the truth. The right thing to do is to move on with your life and see what the next day holds for you. It's the healthy thing to do. But as much as you want to move on, you have all this "stuff" that you're left with. The longer you're in a relationship, the more "stuff" you end up with.

After almost 3 years, I was left with lots of pictures, videos, sound clips and many songs that were dedicated at one point. Every thing that I do, like, listen to, eat, is somehow related to him and brings me back. After such a long time, you become one, especially if that's who you were to begin with. I can't stress enough to younger girls to truly find a guy whom you have everything in common with who you truly are. Don't change who you are for a guy! Please! Be you and let someone love you for you! The only negative side to this is that if something happens are you're torn apart, you have nothing to fall back on because your world prior to the person you were with is the exact same world you're left with now. Your only choice is to learn to separate this person from all of your normal activities or create new ones. It sucks...but yeah...that's life.

A friend of mine replied to a tweet I posted about hearing something that reminded me of him. It definitely made me think twice about how to approach this situation. Like with every situation, you have a choice. Life is full of choices, and buddy, they're all up to you! I don't regret any single thing that happened throughout this relationship. I loved all of the fights as much as I loved all of the laughs. You have to learn to embrace everything as a whole. One thing I can say is that I am very grateful to have gone through it all; it was beautiful and some of the best times in my life. I can say that I'm definitely a better person because of this relationship. I've grown a lot and have learned a lot about myself and about true love. So for now, as I look through old pics of his conceited self, watch videos of him singing to me and listen to clips of us singing together, the good stays in my heart. It's who I am and God has allowed me to go through this for a reason.

(this was definitely NOT what I had planned to post for this song, but...oh well! I went with the flow! The original was more depressing, but you can thank me later for saving the sob story...)


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