Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trono de Alabanza

"Estas sentado en gloria y majestad a la derecha del Padre celestial. Tienes dominio sobre toda potestad. Cielo y tierra reconocen Tu poder. Por eso yo te brindo lealtad. Estamos levantando un trono de alabanza para que te sientes mi Senor y mi Rey. Ven a este lugar Senor, domina sobre todo. Establece Tu reino de justicia y verdad."

Today, I just want to worship.

There's so much drama going on everywhere, and in the midst of all of it, I just want to worship. I messed up yesterday and I feel really guilty about it. On my way home last night, I thought about what I did and I remembered that I'm better than that, and that I was created for a larger purpose, which is to praise and worship the living God. There are rumors here and there about so and so, this and that is going to happen and blah blah blah. Yes, it's a bit scary but I don't anything to phase me on this day that is the Lord's. I have chosen to dedicate my time and my life to bringing praise to my King and Savior, and although it comes at a cost, I must continue to do just that--just keep on praising.

I want to encourage any worship leader and/or musician that is experiencing trials within his/her worship team or church to continue moving forward in this task that we have been given to use our talents for the honor and glory of God ALONE. We're not placed here to please others or to rise on top of others--that is what fame is for and God has not placed us in that position. God has given us talents for His honor and glory, and we can't forget that. As much as it may hurt us or tire us, we have to continue praising for the sake of bringing glory to God and expanding His kingdom. Do His will, and everything else will fall into place. Just keep on worshiping.

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