Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scar Tissue

"Scar tissue that I wish you saw. Sarcastic mister know it all. Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you ’cause with the birds I’ll share...with the birds I’ll share this lonely view."

I'm a work in progress. Someone once told me that in order to move on I have to get back to doing the things that I used to love doing before my relationship. Well...that doesn't really apply to me because doing those things is what brought us together and helped us grow stronger. I didn't have to change who I was or start liking new things. I was myself the whole time, and that's what is making everything so much more difficult. At times I feel I have to change who I already am to not think the thoughts that keep me up all night. I find myself looking for distractions that I wouldn't normally look for because the normal things I do bring back memories. And I'm left there...alone with my thoughts. I wish someone would invent a thought blaster ray to vaporize those haunting thoughts that keep people from sleeping or just getting through the day. AGH!


Today was the first day of VBS at church. I had a blast helping out with my fellow Royal Rangers in the games. My job was to help the kids get through a giant obstacle course (the jumper ones) and oh man, my arms and back are going to be sore tomorrow morning from all of the kids i lifted. I raced one of the volunteers through the obstacle course, but the race didn't last too long seeing how as soon as I dove through the first hole my pants slipped down! Ha! Singing and dancing with the kids was a blast too! Overall, it was a good day.


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