Monday, November 5, 2012

My Blood

That feeling that doesn't go away just did/And I walked a thousand miles to prove it/And I'm caught in the crossfire of my own thoughts/The colour of my blood is all I see on the rocks/As you sail from me
Alarms will ring for eternity/The waves will break every chain on me/My bones will bleach/My flesh will flee/So help my lifeless frame to breathe
And God knows I'm not dying but I breathe now/And God knows it's the only way to heal now/With all the blood I lost with you/It drowns the love I thought I knew
The lost dreams I buried in my sleep for him/And this was the ecstacy of love forgotten/And I'm thrown in the gunfire of empty bullets/And my blood is all I see/As you steal my soul from me
Alarms will ring for eternity/The waves will break every chain on me
And God knows I'm not dying but I breathe now/And God knows it's the only way to heal now/With all the blood I lost with you/It drowns the love I thought I knew

"My Blood"  Ellie Goulding

I write for myself, and only for myself. I don’t write so that someone could see this and feel bad for me. I write because this is how I release the thoughts in my head. I write because I have no other way to let the dreams out. I write because I cannot speak the words that I wish I could say. I mean, I’m not afraid to speak them, but I know that my words have consequences and I have learned that some words and emotions are better left unsaid. So this is why I write…

For a long time I thought this was the end. Until recently, I thought that there was no way that I would get to feel the love I gave returned to me. But unfortunately for me, that didn’t last very long, leaving me with the same bitterness that I felt on that one July afternoon. Once again I’m left with my mouth wide open, in awe of the situation. Once again I messed things up by letting my mouth and my emotions get the best of me and “kill it.”

It’s funny how when you’re alone you have the time and confidence to plan out how certain situations would go down if you ever crossed those paths. In my mind, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and say if I ever got the opportunity to confront the actions that had me down in a hole for such a long time. I imagined myself as a tough figure, saying “no” to everything and being cold-hearted. But of course, like always, things didn’t go as planned. And now I’m left watching my dreams sail away from me…again.

For so long I let the waves crash over me, thinking that it was part of the journey and that the wait and pain would be worth it. But now I feel exactly as you’d think someone would feel after getting pounded by wave after wave—exhausted. I’m tired! More than anything, I’m frustrated and angry with myself for allowing these feelings and emotions flood over me like a little girl (how ironic…) I’m disappointed with the fact that I’m left standing here all alone, once again.

This song speaks volumes to me. I don’t even want to talk about it because I’ll kill it, like I do with everything else I touch or love. I don’t know of any relationship that I have (boys, friends, family, etc.) or have had, that I’ve messed up or tainted at some point. I’ve managed to ruin almost every single thing that I love. Everything has changed; nothing is the same. I look around me, and like the song says, I see my blood all over. All of the work, time and dedication that I’ve poured over everything have disintegrated, bringing a sense of loss, as though it’s all gone to waste.

I never asked for this kind of life. You might be reading this and think that I don’t know that I’m talking about. But then again, I don’t share everything for the sake of those whose lives I’ve messed with, or for those whose mistakes/choices have changed the way I live every day. I never, in a million years, would have guessed that at this age I’d be where I am and have gone through even the things that have happened this year alone. I’ve been kicked out of my house, had my car broken into, had my heart broken by the person I considered the love of my life, and recently got hit by a car while crossing a street. No I’m not starving, no I’m not homeless anymore and no I’m not jobless. But there’s only so much emotional damage within a certain amount of time that one can take. I can honestly say that I’m exhausted. I’m genuinely exhausted of being tossed around. I don’t know what God’s purpose with all of this is, but I know it has to be a good one. I’m waiting for the day when I can finally breathe in deeply and say, “Ooohhh…that’s why!”