Sunday, September 9, 2012

In My Place

In my place, in my place/Were lines that I couldn't change/I was lost, oh yeah
I was lost, I was lost/Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed/I was lost, oh yeah

Yeah how long must you wait for it?/Yeah how long must you pay for it?/Yeah how long must you wait for it?/Oh for it

I was scared, I was scared/Tired and under prepared/But I wait for it

I love a good crowd. Man, that Glastonbury Festival looks AMAZING! I checked the price and it's ...umm...yeah it's gonna take a bit more saving up. But one day I'll go!

Anyways, yeah  I haven't written in a while. Even now I'm hesitant as I write this entry. I don't have much to say other than the fact that I'm still in the same place that I've been in. I'm trying...I really am. I started singing again. When the "situation" happened, I decided to take a break from church so that I could give myself a chance to get over everything, and to give him his own space and freedom. But I've been stuck in a hole of memories, feelings, emotions...madness! And the worst part is that as much as I try, I can't get out. I'm totally ready to move on--my head knows what happened and tells me that I have to keep going, and that there's someone out there that's going to love me unconditionally and never leave me. But my heart can' just won't. It's been a while already and I still have to remind myself every time that I wake up that this is my life now. Even a little nap doesn't let me forget because even then he's in my dreams.

I'm looking at what I'm writing and going through what I feel and think every day and I have to say that I sound pretty pathetic. I mean, this is so dumb! Ugh! I've even tried forcing myself to "like" someone else (or 2) but nothing works because it's not real. I'm trying to forget. I know there's still hope for me (obviously), but I need it to come quick! I know God told me to wait, so I'm holding on to that. I have no idea what He wants me to wait for, but I know that whatever it is, it's for my own good. I just have to keep doing my part in my relationship with God and continue to wait for Him, as I strive to seek His will for me daily. One thing I've learned is that I must keep praying. As hard as it may be, and even though I still haven't received the peace that I long for, I have to keep going. I continue to pray for that kid, asking God to protect him and to begin revealing the plans He has for him. I still care about him, but I know that all I can do now is pray for him as a brother in Christ, and that's it. I have to keep moving and waiting...I must!