Thursday, October 20, 2011

Slow Dance

"Can we wait just a minute, slow it down for a minute now baby...Tonight I wanna dance. Can you do that with your [woman] yea? Tonight I wanna groove, and let the music make you move...Forget about the world. Im groovin with my [boy]. Forget about the news, let's put on our dancin shoes. Let's not talk about the war. Do we know what they fightin for? I propose that we go to the floor and we slow dance...

Tonight I wanna dance. Can you do that with your [woman] yea? Tonight I wanna groove. Let the music make you move"

Lately, I've been feeling as if my world is spinning so fast--it just keeps spinning and spinning, faster and faster. Soon, I'm going to fall off this merry-go-round, spin out and crash. It just feels like everything's been coming at me from left and right, all at once.

I mean, (don't get me wrong) I'm grateful for all of the blessings that I've been given (two jobs), but right now everything just seems so crazy. And the part that scares me the most is that it hasn't even come into full effect. I'm stressing out about schedules and conflicting hours between my two jobs. I don't want to risk anything and I need to learn to play my cards correctly so that I don't put either of my jobs in danger. I have to figure out a way to schedule everything in a manner where I can get hours and still have time to breathe and sleep in between. The thing is that I don't want to abandon the ministries that I'm currently involved in--they're what I live for and serving God is something that I must continue doing. So, I put this situation in God's hands, knowing that He has everything under control and it will all fall according to His plans and what is best for me. 

The song reflects what I'd really like to do. I wish I could just take some time to unwind and let myself relax and let my stress and worries melt away to the sound of music. I would love to get a chance to dance the night away with my man, but it seems that life isn't lending itself to that. But soon (hopefully), I'll get my shot and I can breathe again with ease and comfort, knowing that it'll all be okay and that it'll all work out for me in the end.